48 Gut Invaders™ Home Test Kit

At-Home Test Tells You If You Have Gut Parasites, Bacteria and Candida

At Home Gut Parasites Test

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At Home Gut Parasites Test

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26 Reviews

This at-home test checks for 31 parasites, 5 fungi (candida), 12 gut bacteria and 11 other markers of digestive health.

This at-home test checks for 31 parasites, 5 fungi (candida), 12 gut bacteria and 11 other markers of digestive health.

Icon Finds 12 bacteria + 31 parasites + 5 fungi
Icon At-home stool sample collection, and a swab
$399 free shipping both ways
Questions? Call or text us at (303)-699-9474
Call or text us at (303)-699-9474

Why I Always Test for Gut Parasites,
Bacteria and Fungi at the Same Time

After a 5 day Mexico vacation last fall, I had signs of a parasite infection. Every other week I would have explosive diarrhea. On my non-diarrhea week, I would just have soft stools.

So I got tested for gut parasites, fungi and bacteria. I was pretty sure I had parasites because my symptoms seemed cyclical.

Surprisingly, I came back negative for all parasites (see below):

Gut Parasites Test Results

My parasite + candida test results:

Candida dividing (possible indication of candida overgrowth), epithelial squamous cells (likely indicates something assaulting the lining of my colon), starch granules (likely indicates poor digestion of starches), mucus (likely indicates inflammation of some part of my GI tract)

I was seemingly positive for a minor gut candida infection (see above), but I didn't believe it was enough to cause such severe diarrhea.

So I waited for my bacterial culture test results. The bacterial swab results would show if I had a bacterial infection, and would also show if the candida was pathogenic.

Parasite + Candida Test Results

My bacterial culture test results:

I tested positive for a heavy infection of klebsiella sp. The max score is a 4, so a +3 is almost the heaviest infection that I could test positive for. I didn't highlight the e coli infection because nearly everyone tests positive for it, and helpful e coli strains are commonly found in our gut (some strains produce vitamin K or B12). Candida overgrowth did not show up on the swab, so odds are good that I do not actually have a pathogenic version of candida.

Klebsiella sp. is a bacterial gut infection that can cause digestive issues. But if left unchecked, Klebsiella pneumonia could travel to my lungs, become walking pneumonia, and lead to hospitalization...or even death.

Yes this was a scary test result, but I now knew the "dragon" I had to fight. I reached out to my health team, we formed a battle plan, and I worked aggressively to make myself a bad host for these bacterial invaders.

How I Felt After I Cleansed My Bacterial Infection

After cleansing this infection, here's what's different:

Result After Cleansing
  • my chronic explosive diarrhea is 100% gone
  • mentally I feel as sharp as when I was in college (which was 20 years ago)
  • I lost 45 lbs
  • I don't have brain fog that had me constantly searching for words in the middle of a conversation
  • my jock-itch infection is gone
  • I can work full, super productive days (I could work a max of 3 hours per day before the cleanse)
  • my gums are healthier (gums stopped bleeding, breath smells better)

It's not an exaggeration to say that these test results put my life on a healthy path. This test showed me that klebsiella pneumonia was taking over my gut...and defeating it gave me my health (and life) back.

The 48 Gut Invaders Home Test gave me the information I needed to start addressing my health problems. After doing a deep cleanse, I now have enough energy to keep improving parasites.org. I even have extra energy to spend doing 1 on 1 coaching for parasite, candida and bacterial cleanses.

This test gave me the exact information I needed to improve my health. If I had only been taking antiparasitics, then I would have missed the true cause of my infection: a bacterial infection.

It's my hope that this test will give you the exact information you need to improve your health.


Evan Jerkunica
Founder of Parasites.org
March 13th, 2022

Result After Cleansing

After cleansing this infection, here's what's different:

  • my chronic explosive diarrhea is 100% gone
  • mentally I feel as sharp as when I was in college (which was 20 years ago)
  • I lost 45 lbs
  • I don't have brain fog that had me constantly searching for words in the middle of a conversation
  • my jock-itch infection is gone
  • I can work full, super productive days (I could work a max of 3 hours per day before the cleanse)
  • my gums are healthier (gums stopped bleeding, breath smells better)

It's not an exaggeration to say that these test results put my life on a healthy path. This test showed me that klebsiella pneumonia was taking over my gut...and defeating it gave me my health (and life) back.

The 48 Gut Invaders Home Test gave me the information I needed to start addressing my health problems. After doing a deep cleanse, I now have enough energy to keep improving parasites.org. I even have extra energy to spend doing 1 on 1 coaching for parasite, candida and bacterial cleanses.

This test gave me the exact information I needed to improve my health. If I had only been taking antiparasitics, then I would have missed the true cause of my infection: a bacterial infection.

It's my hope that this test will give you the exact information you need to improve your health.


Evan Jerkunica
Founder of Parasites.org
March 13th, 2022

Call or text us at (303)-699-9474

What Gut Invaders Can This Test Find?

The 48 Gut Invaders™ Home Test Kit finds:

  • 31 parasites
  • 12 bacteria
  • 5 fungi
  • 11 markers of digestive problems

Gut bacteria found by this test:

The symptoms of bacteria infections can be confused with parasite or candida infections. The bacterial swab portion of the test will specifically look for bacteria infections that may require different treatment than a parasite or candida infection.

  1. Klebsiella sp.
  2. Salmonella sp.
  3. Escherichia coli
  4. Shigella sp.
  5. Citrobacter freundii
  6. Vibrio cholera
  7. Proteus vulgaris
  8. Yersinia sp.
  9. Campylobacter sp.
  10. Clostridium difficile
  11. Enterobacter sp.
  12. Enterococcus sp.

Full list of 31 parasites:

5 Tapeworms (cestoda)

  1. Taenia solium / taenia saginata
  2. Hymenoplepis nana
  3. Hymenolepis diminuta
  4. Dipylidium caninum
  5. Diphyllobothrium latum

14 Microscopic Parasites (protozoa)

  1. Entamoeba coli
  2. E. histolytica / E. dispar
  3. Entamoeba hartmanni
  4. Iodamoeba butschili
  5. Endolimax nana
  6. Giardia lamblia
  7. Chilomastix mesnili
  8. Balantidium coli
  9. Trichomonas hominis
  10. Isospora belli
  11. Dientamoeba fragilis
  12. Cryptosporidium parvum
  13. Cyclospora cayetanensis
  14. Blastocystis hominis

8 Roundworms (nematoda)

  1. Ascaris lumbricoides
  2. Ancylostoma/Necator
  3. Strongyloides stercoralis
  4. Trichostrongylus sp.
  5. Trichuris trichiura
  6. Enterobius Vermicularis,Mansonella sp
  7. Larval Nematode (baby roundworm)

4 Flukes (trematoda)

  1. Schistosoma sp.
  2. Fasciola / Fasciolopsis
  3. Paragonimus westermani
  4. Clonorchis / Heterophyes / Metagonimus
Parasite Photos

Shared with permission from 2 patients: Microscope photos used to identify 3 parasites in these 2 patients.

Fungal infections can have symptoms similar to parasite infection symptoms. So, this test also checks for fungi that may be pathogenic.

5 Fungi/Yeast Strains

  1. Candida sp.
  2. Cryptococcus sp.
  3. Geotrichum sp.
  4. Kloeckeri sp.
  5. Hyphae

We also check your stool for these 11 health markers. These markers are additional signs of digestive distress, parasite infection, insufficient probiotics or low enzymes.

11 Health Markers

  1. Epithelial (squamous) cells
  2. Epithelial (columnar) cells
  3. Probiotic bacteria
  4. Undigested tissue
  5. Charcot-Leyden crystals
  6. White blood cells
  7. Red blood cells
  8. Fatty acid crystals
  9. Starch granules
  10. Pollen
  11. Mucus

Full list of 31 parasites:

5 Tapeworms (cestoda)

  1. Taenia solium / taenia saginata
  2. Hymenoplepis nana
  3. Hymenolepis diminuta
  4. Dipylidium caninum
  5. Diphyllobothrium latum

14 Microscopic Parasites (protozoa)

  1. Entamoeba coli
  2. E. histolytica / E. dispar
  3. Entamoeba hartmanni
  4. Iodamoeba butschili
  5. Endolimax nana
  6. Giardia lamblia
  7. Chilomastix mesnili
  8. Balantidium coli
  9. Trichomonas hominis
  10. Isospora belli
  11. Dientamoeba fragilis
  12. Cryptosporidium parvum
  13. Cyclospora cayetanensis
  14. Blastocystis hominis

8 Roundworms (nematoda)

  1. Ascaris lumbricoides
  2. Ancylostoma/Necator
  3. Strongyloides stercoralis
  4. Trichostrongylus sp.
  5. Trichuris trichiura
  6. Enterobius Vermicularis,Mansonella sp
  7. Larval Nematode (baby roundworm)

4 Flukes (trematoda)

  1. Schistosoma sp.
  2. Fasciola / Fasciolopsis
  3. Paragonimus westermani
  4. Clonorchis / Heterophyes / Metagonimus
Parasite Photos

Shared with permission from 2 patients: Microscope photos used to identify 3 parasites in these 2 patients.

5 Fungi/Yeast Found By This Test:

Fungal infections can have symptoms similar to parasite infection symptoms. So, this test also checks for fungi that may be pathogenic.

  1. Candida sp.
  2. Cryptococcus sp.
  3. Geotrichum sp.
  4. Kloeckeri sp.
  5. Hyphae

11 Markers of Your Digestive Health - Analyzed by Experts:

We also check your stool for these 11 health markers. These markers are additional signs of digestive distress, parasite infection, insufficient probiotics or low enzymes.

  1. Epithelial (squamous) cells
  2. Epithelial (columnar) cells
  3. Probiotic bacteria
  4. Undigested tissue
  5. Charcot-Leyden crystals
  6. White blood cells
  7. Red blood cells
  8. Fatty acid crystals
  9. Starch granules
  10. Pollen
  11. Mucus
Any issues found are quantified on a scale of 1 to 4. 1 is the mildest infection, 4 is the most severe infection.

Questions? Call or text (303)-699-9474

How Our Test Kits Work

First Image Description

Do you see the top of the vial? The top has a small scooper attached to it. You scoop the top part of your poop, and put it in the vial.

It's very hygienic, and you won't have to touch any stool. In fact to make it even more hygienic, we include 4 stool sample collection bags.

Second Image Description

These bags are biodegradable, and you can flush them down the toilet after you've collected your samples. Again, as hygienic as possible, and easy to use!

You'll put 2 days of stool samples in each vial. Since there are 2 vials, that means you'll have 4 days of samples total...making sure you'll catch even rare, cyclical parasites.

Second Image Description

To check for gut bacteria overgrowth and infection, you use the long q-tip. You rub the long q-tip on the top of your stool.

When doing the swab test, you just have to be careful not to touch it to other surfaces like your skin, or the toilet bowl. Otherwise the samples will grow the wrong bacteria.

You then put the swab back into the tube (it fits perfectly), and ship it back to the lab with your stool samples.

The swab is then grown in a petri dish. We can then identify over a dozen bacterial infections that may be the root cause of your digestive issues.

If you don’t have daily bowel movements, click here to learn what you can do

How Can Our Parasite Test Kit Even Find Rare Parasites?

When evaluating the parasite testing kits, here is the most important thing... Will the test miss any parasites you might have? With today's global food trade and immigration, parasites from any country can be caught in the USA. So you need a test kit that will look for even the uncommon, foreign parasites. Our research found that most parasite testing kits looked for just 3 to 6 USA parasites. But just our parasite stool test can find up to 31 parasites...from every continent.

You're probably curious how they can find more parasites than other parasite test...well I'll tell you.

When evaluating the parasite testing kits, here is the most important thing... Will the test miss any parasites you might have?

With today's global food trade and immigration, parasites from any country can be caught in the USA. So you need a test kit that will look for even the uncommon, foreign parasites.

Our research found that most parasite testing kits looked for just 3 to 6 USA parasites. But just our parasite stool test can find up to 31 parasites...from every continent.

You're probably curious how they can find more parasites than other parasite test...well I'll tell you.

How can the 48 Gut Invaders™ Home Test Kit find 25 to 28 more parasites?

The answer comes down to 1 man - world renowned Parasitologist Dr. Omar M. Amin. He created the most accurate parasite laboratory known to man. And Dr. Amin's lab is where parasites from the 48 Gut Invaders™ Home Test Kit are diagnosed. The stool test Dr. Amin created is unique in 3 ways:

  1. Experienced PhD parasite researchers won’t miss your parasites:

    The laboratory's team of PhD-level parasite researchers possesses extensive experience in conducting parasite research worldwide, with an average tenure of over 15 years as parasitologists. Their profound expertise ensures the detection of even the rarest parasite infections.

  2. Parasite eggs 100x smaller than a human hair are visible with high contrast dyes

    Parasites aren't always present in the stool sample. Sometimes, just their eggs are there. Using high contrast dyes, Dr. Amin's lab can find parasite eggs other labs will miss.

  3. No signs of parasites are destroyed with carefully selected preservation fluids

    When you take a stool sample, it should be preserved so that it kills the parasites. But, some cheap preservation fluids also destroy signs of the parasite infection. Dr. Amin's preservation formula makes sure all signs of parasite infection are perfectly preserved.

  1. Experienced PhD parasite researchers won’t miss your parasites:

The laboratory's team of PhD-level parasite researchers possesses extensive experience in conducting parasite research worldwide, with an average tenure of over 15 years as parasitologists. Their profound expertise ensures the detection of even the rarest parasite infections.
  1. Parasite eggs 100x smaller than a human hair are visible with high contrast dyes

Parasites aren't always present in the stool sample. Sometimes, just their eggs are there. Using high contrast dyes, Dr. Amin's lab can find parasite eggs other labs will miss.
  1. No signs of parasites are destroyed with carefully selected preservation fluids

When you take a stool sample, it should be preserved so that it kills the parasites. But, some cheap preservation fluids also destroy signs of the parasite infection. Dr. Amin's preservation formula makes sure all signs of parasite infection are perfectly preserved.
These 3 factors mean the 48 Gut Invaders™ Home Test Kit can find 31 parasites, when other parasite tests can only find 3 to 6 parasites.

Questions? Call or text (303)-699-9474

Who Should Get Tested for Bacterial Gut Infections?

I encourage people with digestive issues to take our bacterial swab test included in the 48 Gut Invaders™ Home Test.

Many just want to get tested for parasites & candida, but the symptoms of a parasite infection and a bacterial infection can heavily overlap.

Our Bacterial Test Finds Problems That Other Tests Miss

Because our lab uses bacterial culturing, we can find problems that other lab tests miss. Our test can detect gut infections by aggressive, pathogenic bacteria. But our test can detect neutral bacteria that may have overgrown your guts, and are now causing problems.

Is Your Bacteria Antibiotic Resistant?

Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem. To help your doctor treat your infection, our test checks for antibiotic resistance.

Result After Cleansing

Once the lab receives your stool sample, any pathogens that are collected on the Swab are cultured and will grow on an agar plate, or petri dish. A culture and sensitivity report is generated that lists antibiotics that the pathogen is resistant to and most sensitive to. This report helps doctors determine which antibiotic will be the most effective at killing the pathogen. You should get your results within 2 to 3 weeks after the lab receives your culture.

How Does The Lab Analyze Your Bacterial Swab?

Swabs are used to transfer bacteria from your stool, to a petri dish. The bacteria are grown for a few weeks until they can be positively identified as harmful.

Many intestinal bacteria, including E. coli, live in our intestines and are considered “good” bacteria; however, some of the strains can make us sick. (1) The same is true for other bacterial infections identified in the Swab Culture Test.

What Bacteria Can This Test Find?

A stool culture with our test will identify intestinal pathogens that may be making you sick, including Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiellella sp., Vibrio cholera, Citrobacter freundii, Proteus vulgaris, Yersinia sp., Campylobacter sp., and Clostridium difficile.

Call or text us at (303)-699-9474
Parasite Research Lab

Parasite Research Lab

Our research parasitologists will examine your stool sample. Other labs look for 3 to 5 common parasites. Our lab looks for 31 parasites - finding even rare parasites. We find more parasites because we have passionate parasitologist researchers looking at your samples. Our researchers take great care with every sample. We find what most labs miss!

Test Created by a Parasitologist

Test Created by a Parasitologist

Dr. Omin Amin, publisher of over 250 parasite research papers, created this home parasite test kit. He designed this test to find the maximum number of parasites (31), pathogenic fungi (5), and to find (11) other signs of digestive health problems.

Your Data is Secure

Your Data is Secure

We strictly adhere to HIPAA compliance, ensuring the confidentiality of your test results and email correspondence.

Product Reviews

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25 out of 26 would recommend to a friend

Misti H

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

The lab exam of the samples was very thorough and even impressed my doctor. I recommend them not just for how well they did with testing the sample but also their customer service. Customer service is prompt, professional, and very knowledgeable.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Valarie J

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

Entire process easy (with the exception that the stool collection "net" didn't work for me but alternatives were offered from the beginning.
Excellent response to questions with easy to understand answers
I wish there were more companies and medical choices like Parasites.org.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Andrea L

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

Interesting and informative..Evan was hugely helpful in helping me understand the results. I now have to research more and get a plan for myself..highly recommend doing this for peace of mind.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

kelly G

Star 1Star 2

Verified Verified Customer

Not very informative for the price. It's generic results

Nathan C

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

This product/service was extremely helpful when I could not get traditional doctors and hospitals to do what I needed. Parasites and fungal infections are not taken seriously in our western medical system. Evan extremely helpful and the entire process was easy and beneficial in helping me sort out my gut issues. I highly recommend Parasites.org.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Carol V

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

Evan was accessible and very helpful in deciphering lab results/meaning for me. The products are great too.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Allison P

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

This was a very helpful tool in managing my issues. Evan was very helpful in reviewing with me the results. I tend to avoid doctor visits; this was worthwhile, though, I advise you remove any supplementation that may interfere with the test before ordering the test so that you can get it done quickly and get your results.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Lauren L

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Verified Verified Customer

I have already recommended it to my immediate friends who are experiencing unexplained chronic illnesses. I will continue to recommend it to anyone seeking help figuring out their illness. Evan does a terrific job of listening to my symptoms and past experiences with traditional medicine as well as explaining the test process and the test results. I felt I was in good hands at all times.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Jamini Y

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

Evan was extremely helpful and easy to reach. Great customer support!

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Mia D

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

The 48 Gut Invaders Test is a game-changer! From start to finish, the process was seamless and informative.

The test itself was comprehensive, providing insights into my gut health that I never knew were possible. The results were delivered promptly, along with personalized recommendations on how to improve my gut health. Evan went above and beyond to explain these recommendations in detail, ensuring that I had all the information I needed to make positive changes.

I highly recommend the 48 Gut Invaders Test to anyone looking to improve their gut health. The process is easy, the results are enlightening, and the customer service provided by Evan is truly exceptional. Thank you for such a wonderful experience!

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Julia R

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Verified Verified Customer

This company has an outstanding customer service! Evan was helpful, kind and very informative in his responses. The test was easy to do, I received results promptly and the explanation of results was very thorough. I then had a follow up with Evan over the phone and he provided a very detailed explanation of his diet recommendations and what to ask my doctor about. Very happy with my experience!

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Shirley G

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Verified Verified Customer

I’ve always been big on health and wellness, especially after diet and lifestyle changes helped me recover from a serious illness. So, when I started hearing more about how parasites can secretly affect our health, I was both intrigued and a bit worried. That's when Evan from parasite.org stepped in and generously sent me a promotional at-home parasite testing kit.

Using the kit was eye-opening. It was super easy to use, and yep, I found out I've got some uninvited guests. It was a bit of a shock, but honestly, I’m grateful for the knowledge. Now, I’m ready to tackle this with a solid plan, including a killer binder. DONT forget to use a binder!

Evan’s kindness and the mission behind parasite.org are truly inspiring. They’re all about empowering folks to take charge of their health, and I'm here for it. I’ll be sharing more about my journey to kick these parasites to the curb. If you’re curious about your own health, I can’t recommend this test enough. It’s better to know and deal with it than to be in the dark. Big thanks to Evan and the team!

I did not pay for this product; I received it for promotional purposes.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Vlady S

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Verified Verified Customer

Evan is knowledgeable, friendly, motivating and down to earth advisor . I am so glad to find him and get an advice specifically to my needs. Evan took his time and explain all I need to know about my results and give me a valuable information to take care of my condition . Thank you Evan, I am planning to get more tests done and looking forward to your advice soon.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Hilary P

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

This is a very thorough test. I have done another one before, but this tests for a lot more - plus the explanations provided with the results are really helpful. Additionally the customer service from Evan is impeccable. I highly recommend!

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Pamela S

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Verified Verified Customer

This is likely the only test kit (and with helpful-critical knowledge of Evan,) that will actually "pick up" what you have or may be "off", in your gut! I suffered after I believe drinking some bad water, and no doctor could help.. all the standard tests showed zero. After speaking to Evan and following his important instructions, I finally, after 5 long months of suffering (and not normal stuff, but sudden and terrible insomnia, panic attacks and anxiety out of the blue, and more swollen type feeling in stomach-- found out what I had been dealing with, that basically hijacked my neurotransmitters and hormones! (I was on my way to getting prescriptions for anxiety and taking sleeping pills.) But I felt there was a connection with how my gut was bloated and off and was right! Do not hesitate to take this test. It takes a bit of time to do, and results not immediate, but soooo much better than any of the others. I worked with an "alternative doctor" after taking similar herbs and meds to what Evan has. Had I known about the Cleanse-Freedom-Restore right away, I would have just started on that, as I did have to keep switching around what I was taking and it likely took way longer than need be. Evan is a wealth of info on this subject and his knowledge alone is worth it! Thank you, P.S.-Florida

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Brandon S

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Verified Verified Customer

I have had GI problems my entire life. It got to a point where I've been passing blood for over a decade. Doctors would just tell me everything is fine and made me feel crazy. I did find 1 doctor that diagnosed me with H. Pylori infection. Getting treated for that helped but I still had problems. Getting hemorrhoidectomies helped but I was still passing blood. I told some family I think I have parasites 11 years ago but they made me feel crazy and I put it away mentally. After realizing my problems weren't really getting better, the thought of parasites came back. I started doing herbal cleanses for the past 2 years which helped and then I got this test performed. They did find things in me that other parasite tests didn't find (tests that the doctors ordered). Doctors in America believe that only third world countries get parasites. What if you live in a subtropical popular city with people that come and go to/from third world countries? What if you eat undercooked food with parasite eggs? You can step outside barefoot and certain parasites can absorb into your feet pores. Parasites are all around us and doctors only test for a few of the most common parasites. This test is comprehensive. It let me know what is going on inside me. It gave me some peace of mind and let me know that it's not all in my head. They found about 5 different problems in me while everyone close to me thought I was crazy (including my wife but she eventually came around). I have the receipts now. I can bring the results to my doctor and be treated properly. Evan is an amazing guy and was helpful by answering any question I had in a timely fashion. If you have GI problems that aren't going away, or feel like a zombie all of the time while doctors are telling you that everything is fine, then get this test. Don't wait 11+ years like I did. My intuition was right and others shamed me for it, ultimately leading to certain health problems worsening.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Jeremy S

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Verified Verified Customer

Got the test quickly and results gave me some insight into what might be going on. Spoke with Evan for nearly an hour about the results, and possible steps to help address things. Appreciated that...certainly would recommend.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Eric *

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

Test is comprehensive. Evan, who reps the product, is amazing and readily available to talk you through the process and results so you can use the data with your doctor etc. Peace of mind comes from thoroughly checking for parasites and as well checking for any infection through a culture.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Melissa A

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Verified Verified Customer

Evan is truly a Godsend. Through his company, I was able to do comprehensive stool testing for my 2 YO who has been suffering from severe eczema, constipation, allergies, bloating, abdominal pain since 1 month old. It has been very difficult as a parent to watch my child suffer and feel helpless. After finally taking the time to collect my sons stool, Evan has informed me that my son has a parasitic infection, so the dr called in a prescription and my sons skin and itch has cleared up maybe 80%!!! The prescription was low dosage, so he is taking the second dosage soon. But my sons skin calmed down completely after 4 hours of the anti parasitic medicine. I cannot thank Evan enough, he has been a tremendous help to me and my family. He is always accessible via phone, email - any time of the day or night! He is very kind, helpful, ethical, and overall an amazing human being who enjoys what he does because he loves helping to cure people’s root cause. Stop going to DRS who only want to bandaid the problem. The amount of topical steroid prescriptions I threw out! I was determined to get to the root cause, traditional dr office stool tests are not this comprehensive and will never help you. You need this test. A million thank yous to Evan and this company! Bless you all for the amazing work you do

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Adam R

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Verified Verified Customer

The tests were easy to conduct and the results easy to understand. The reports that accompanied the results had descriptions for each parameter of concern, so it made online research much easier. Most importantly, Evan took the time to explain the reports and how to get started on a cleanse over the phone with me. It was a very positive experience and I look forward to getting a re-test done soon!

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend


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Verified Verified Customer

testing has been very helpful in shedding light on some health issues I've been experiencing. Evan has done an excellent job on explaining my test results.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Debra K

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

The test kit sent was simple and easy to follow with the mailing out of it simple as well. Have got the green test kit for other members of the family and would highly recommend the kit. Customer service is there to help you with any questions you may have. Results of tests are received on time as stated. Definitely 5 Stars!!!

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Amy S

Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

Verified Verified Customer

Really easy, really fast and extremely helpful. I’ve taken 2 tests and they follow up with me right away. Really kind to their customers, it makes a huge difference.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Jenny M

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Verified Verified Customer

I was experiencing gut issues and not receiving the attention I needed from my doctor. I turned to parasites.org to get a better idea of what was going on. When the tests results came in, Evan called me and walked me through everything. This was stuff I didn’t have a background in and having someone walk me through the results with no time constraint meant I could ask any questions I had. We were able to get to the root of the problem and not just treat the symptoms as I had done before. I am very thankful I turned to Parasites.org instead of quietly struggling.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Jeff S

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Verified Verified Customer

Evan is a really great resource of information. I thought the test and results were very thorough and well explained. I'm glad I took the parasite test and have a course of action now. I plan to retest again to check on the progress. This is a necessary service more people should know about. Thanks for all your help.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

Matt G

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Verified Verified Customer

Really like the fact that I could discuss my results with Evan and he could explain the tests in detail. In AL I could not even get a stool test so having Evan connect the dots was a big asset for me to learn more about what was going on in my body.

Thumbs Up Would recommend to a friend

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